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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Make your own free website

You want a free site? Relax! You CAN make a website free of charge. There are wonderful websites out there that take care of everything – at no cost to you. All you have to do is show,

Best free blogs

Blog for free – with free blogging software!
Blogs are as diverse as the people who own them. Some are like online diaries – while others are megasites offering updates on technology and news many times a day.
They can be used for everything from a site dedicated to your pet treefrog to a business site with a focus on making money. They are often updated multiple times a week, or even each day.
Extremely simple to use. You can add photos and videos to your blog entries. Owned by Google.
Again, super simple. Fun and easy, with an option to upgrade.
There is a bit more of a learning curve with WordPress, but it still has a solid reputation of being the best blogging software there is – and for good reason. It allows you to easily network with other bloggers and allows a lot of customization.
Yahoo Pulse
Yahoo replaced Yahoo’s 360 product. Pulse has powerful networking capability – a bit like Facebook, blogging and other Yahoo features rolled up into one package. You can see your Facebook feed from your Pulse pages.

Best free site builders that come with free hosting

There are many cool free site builders out there that come with hosting for free.
These sites are built online, and you might find site-building difficult on a slow internet connection. Some may place ads on your site.
Slick and professional-looking, you can create a number of pages and fill them with all sorts of goodies, such as widgets.
Quick and easy – not for making a whole website, but just one page. Squidoo is about sharing your ‘knowledge and passion’ with the world. You can also share your online business. Squidoo has a very clean, exciting interface.
Weebly looks good, and allows you a site and a blog. You will need your own domain name, or pay to register one of theirs.
Makes professional-looking websites. You can customize your site and have your own domain name. Formerly Synthasite, Yola puts no ads on your site.
Drag and drop your way to a beautiful website. No ads, social network integration, a helpful forum – and the ability to upgrade for more options.
Definitely one for the teen to 25-year-old market. You can build a website and add all kinds of sparkly things, photos, videos and games. And rate other Piczo users websites!

Best free site builder software

Following is free sitebuilder software that doesn’t come with hosting – you install the software onto your own hosting.
Many large sites are run on WordPress. It has the functionality to do almost anything you want. It can operate as a full-blown CMS (Content Management System), run an e-store or business. Really fantastic software!
The software you can download from wordpress.com is different to the software you’ll find at wordpress.com. At wordpress.org, you install the software on your own hosting. At wordpress.com, the hosting is free. But putting WordPress on your own hosting allows you much more flexibility and functionality.
Joomla is a popular content management system. It is loaded with features and powers almost 3% of the web!
It can be difficult to use for someone new to Joomla.
Drupal comparres itself to a ‘lego builder’: building all sorts of clever, customized features is just a matter of snapping parts together. Whereas other free CMS style software need plugins for specific things you might want your site to include, Drupal has all the ‘building blocks’ there already. The cost of this flexibility is that Drupal can take a lot of time and patience to learn. Too much flexibility if all you want to build is a blog for example.

1 comment:

  1. Did you every think that it may be time for you to make your own website? That's right; I did say that it is possible for you to build a website for yourself. People are doing it all the time, and they are making good money with the sites they build. One of the best things about creating your own site is that it will not cost an arm and a leg to have someone else do it for you.

    Make a Own Site



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