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Thursday 28 June 2012

Speed Up Nero in Windows XP Pro

This is a little trick to speed up Nero in Windows XP Pro. This is what you have to do:
Go to “Administrative Tools“ under the Control Panel, and in the “Services” list, disable the IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service.
To disable it, right-click and select Properties, and from the “Startup type” dropdown list select Disabled.

IMAPI properties
(Note: Manual setting is not enough it must be disabled) It is the built-in CD-burning capability for windowsXP (incidentally, written by Roxio).
Once it is disabled, Nero will start up much quicker.

My 2 Cents

For those who use Nero, this is a must have trick. BTW, why there is slowing down of Nero when this service is manually running? There must be some thing behind this, Microsoft knows.

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